Thursday, February 23, 2006

NYT Article Describes Security Risks of High Tech "Gadgets"

In "Too Many New Gadgets, Too Much Information at Risk," New York Times writer David S. Joachim explores the security risks for businesses inherent each time an employee begins using a "shiny new gadget that combines a cellphone with all sorts of features you used to find only on your computer" (including such features as "get e-mail messages, surf the Web, manage contact lists and calendars, and even create Word and Excel documents that can run on a conventional PC"). He notes that [f]or one, they are configured to hop from Wi-Fi to cellular networks easily, exposing them to deliberate thievery of data. But a bigger threat, analysts say, is that small things are easier to lose, raising the prospect that confidential business files will get in the wrong hands."

Joachim details some of the security options businesses are using to combat the growing problem.

SOURCE: beSpacific

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